Ever Wanted To Try A “Sidecar”
But Never Had The Chance?
Learn the art of ‘swinging’ on Sunday the 3rd December 2023 at the State Motorcycle Sports Complex at Broadford.
You will need full leathers, either one piece or two-piece which zip together, a helmet, boots, gloves & a back protector.
(We have a few which you can borrow! But you need to let us know early if you require any gear)
Complete the application form below and after the form is submitted to ritz.souter@bigpond.com, please submit payment by Direct Deposit.
Your Submission will not be deemed to be complete until payment is received in full.
Application and Payment
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Please click the Ambulance logo
To be taken to Ambulance Victoria Website
Where you will be able to “Join-Up” to one of the most valuable subscriptions you will ever make.